It is hard to believe how well all the students settled back into school life, after such an unusual start to Term 2 with us all using the remote learning program. On returning, it felt like the boys and girls had not left school at all!

Thanks to all the teachers and staff for your commitment and the time that you spent in managing the whole process of remote learning. We faced some definite challenges and felt out of our comfort zone but together, we embraced those difficulties and turned it into a valuable experience.

Finally, it did make life easier for everyone in the last few weeks as we transitioned back to school even though it was only for a short period. Once again, we now have a consistent approach to teaching across the whole school. I am sure that there are many relieved parents out there too!

Thank you to all the parents for your support and sustained efforts during the remote learning and making the experience a positive one for your children and teachers - whilst juggling work and family responsibilities - we really appreciated it.


2021 Foundation: Enrolments are now open. We do have limited places in Years 1-6 for next year. If you have a child who is ready to start Foundation class next year or you know of any prospective families, please inform them to contact us for information or to arrange a school tour next term. Online applications can still be made now from the Sirius College website.

Have a safe and restful break,

Mrs. Tarbinder Pandher
Primary Coordinator